

In everything we create, we honour nature. Our products are fragrant alchemy present in nature, vitamins, botanic extracts, minerals, natural acids, and wonderful essential oils.

Extraordinários™ formulations are based on recognized knowledge such as traditional oriental medicine, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, applied botany, aromatology, natural cosmetology and the science of neurological meditation.

Authenticity, efficiency, purpose, ethics and sustainability are the DNA of Extraordinários Botanicals™
All products are cruelty-free, vegan, with no toxic additives.
Extraordinários™ products feature innovative, high-performance, herbal formulations for your holistic wellness.

All essential oils are therapeutic degree.




Holistic means the comprehension of the manifestation of beauty as a whole, not merely the result of the sum of its parts. Holistic beauty transcends the definition of beauty, which refers solely to what is perfect, harmonious and proportional. Holistic beauty means the person’s whole energy. In a systemic process the more condensed energy is manifested in the physical body: skin, hair; and the subtle energy is manifested in the emotions, the spirituality and the attitude, which when in balance, shines in the eyes. Holistic beauty is an expression of someone’s best version.



The greatest richness is what makes life possible. Nature allows the existence of our lives, we have always depended on plants for food, to cure our diseases. Human beings rely on nature for their physical, emotional and spiritual welfare.
Environments with more biodiversity include tropical forest, coral reefs, large tropical lakes and ocean depth. In Extraordinarios™, we highlight the native or adapted botanical blessing of Brazil’s
biodiversity, primarily Amazonian biomes, Atlantic rainforest and Brazilian savannah.
Through our products, we bring the richness of these biomes to our clients and, at the same time, we create a connection with these regions and its causes.
Extraordinarios™ through Fair Trade, supports in these regions certain organizations that promote environmental sustainability, as well as specific philanthropic actions, providing economic support, even in small scale like a drop into the ocean… but an ocean is made by thousands of millions of drops. Find out more about those biomes.
The Amazon is the biome with the highest biodiversity and there are many species that remain unknown. It is thought that 60% of all species on Earth are found in the Amazon, of which only 30% are known. By comparison, there are between 40 and 300 tree species in the Amazon, whereas in North America the number varies between 4 and 25. Most species in the Amazon are endemic, that is to say they only exist in the Amazon.
The Atlantic Forest is home to eight percent of the world’s species, reaching 20,000 plant species. It is one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world.
The Brazilian savanna is an area with great biodiversity, one of the richest savannas in the world, home to over 6,000 species of trees. Brazil’s biodiversity contributes to health and innovation. Our survival is dependent on the interdependence of beings and the ecosystem, where we are deeply connected.

Brazil’s biodiversity contributes to health and innovation. Our survival is dependent on the interdependence of beings and the ecosystem, where we are deeply connected.



The principal objective of fair trade is the direct contact of the producer with the customer. Business are therefore less bureaucratic and producers do not depend on intermediaries and global market hazards.
The principles of a fair trade relationship are:

Long-Term Direct Trading Relationships.
Payment of Fair Prices.
No Child, Forced or Otherwise Exploited Labor.
Workplace Non-Discrimination, Gender Equity, and Freedom of Association.
Democratic & Transparent Organizations.
Safe Working Conditions & Reasonable Work Hours.
Investment in Community Development Projects
Respect for environment